Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chess Club Tuesday

This Thursday there will be no chess club due to the early out.

Mate in 2, 3,4, & 5 Problem contest Results:  Congratulations to Taylor Walton.  He finished 20 problems - unfortunately for Juve whom finished 24 problems, but came too late.  Taylor wins a magnetic chess travel wallet.

Sixteen students came tonight, which surprised me as tomorrow and Thursday are final exams at the high school.  Maybe everyone needed a break from studying?

It was a fun night of chess with a few games played while I popped popcorn and then started a Guess the Grandmaster Move game.  I try to select games that have tactical moves that the kids should be able to find if they look a bit further.  Each student receives a point for guessing the right move for white or black.  Becca did a great job keeping track of the competitive game.  Tyler "Jalepeno" Jaramillo stood guard and monitored Andrew and Desmond's moves.  Nick and Tyler were concerned about cheating.  Andrew and Desmond were back and forth and the leaders throughout the game.  In the end, Andrew won the candybar amid grumbles and rumbles.

This Sicilian Theme Match was played between Judit Polgar and Gregory Kaidanov at Hilton Head on February 23, 2010.

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